The American Experiment Blend, 12 Oz Bag


“A republic, madam, if you can keep it.”
~ Ben Franklin, in response to a query of whether they had voted for a Republic or a Monarchy.

Like the U.S. Constitution, it was the product of many brilliant minds, pouring their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor into it, with the common goal of establishing the first government that was of the people, by the people and for the people.  The result was the greatest governing document ever to be created to organize and control the government construct, forever protecting the citizens from those who would seek to oppress them.

Though insignificant in relation to the importance of our founding documents, we seek to harness a similar process in the creation of our future coffee blends.  Rather than giving you the choices of what “we” consider is best, we are going to use YOUR insight, YOUR opinions and YOUR input into our future coffee lines.  Every idea has a starting point and we have created thre.  The rest of our coffee development and story is up to you!

Each month, the American Experiment will change.  The feedback we receive from each formula will decide whether that blend and roast becomes one of our signature brands, available in perpetuity, or if it fades into history having missed the mark of glory.

The decision, as it always should have been, is yours.



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